Using different resistors at Rb: At Vce during the experiment the voltage didnt vary indicating low resistance high amperage, good switch. At Vbe voltage also didnt vary much from .7volts indicating good saturation. The current through the base had little change when Rb change due to cheap multimeter, but the concept is, more current flowing through the base will open up the gate wider letting the high current flow through the collector to emitter. (the red dotted line is the load line in the pic) Beta is the ratio between Ic:Ib. Beta = Ic/Ib. My RESULTS: 1- 3.1/5= .62beta 2- 5/4.37= 1.14 3- 5/1= 5 4- 104/21.7= 4.79 5- 5.1/4.5= 1.13
you need to show your results, any calculations done, a picture of the circuit would help with your explanation. also you need to draw a diagram showing your transistors characteristics