RESISTORS: resistors control the flow of amps in a circuit. They are colour coated so you know what value of resistance it has. To calculate this value you can use a resistor chart to find this out by matching the colours to the numbers and using the method it says... the first two and/or 3 numbers are the numbers you write down the next one is how many zeros you multiply by and the last colour band is the tolerance it has, eg plus or minus 5% of the total calculated. To check a resistor using a multimeter you simply have it disconnected from the circuit, have the meter on the ohms scale and adjust to the correct scale eg ohms, kilo or mega and place the one lead either side of the resistor. Resistor have a different effect when in series and parallel. In a series circuit all the resistance is added up to get your total resistance value in that curcuit. However it is different to parallel curcuits. In parallel your total resistance is your lowest value resistor in the circuit. This is because electricity takes the path of less resistance and/or highest ampz flow. Series: RT= R1 + R2 +R3 Parallel: 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
My RESULTS: value (colour codes) 15ohms, 100000ohms, 47ohms, 10000ohms, 1000ohms, 100ohms. value (multimeter) 15.2ohms, 99kohms, 46.8ohms, 9.95kohms,991ohms, 101.6ohms
Good explanation Shannon could you also put the calculations for this up, also a picture of two can help to explain your experiment